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Constitution & Bylaws


The Constitution of this Chapter shall be the same as the Constitution of the Maintenance Superintendents Association of California as adopted on July 1, 1986, and shall be bound by all future amendments to the aforementioned Constitution.

    Section 1: The name of the chapter shall be “Maintenance Superintendents Association, Redwood Empire Chapter.” The chapter shall be operated under the authority of the MSA Constitution. The organizational boundaries and area of operation for local matters shall consist of the following counties in the State of California: Lake County, Mendocino County, Sonoma county, Marin County, Solano County, and Napa County
    Section 1: The purposes of this chapter shall be: To engage in any activity or function, within the practical limits of the chapter, which will serve to foster and develop improved operating principles and standards for the efficient and economical maintenance and operation of public works facilities and services, and the administration of all related work; to disseminate practical and technical knowledge related thereto through the interchange of information, experience, and opinion; to aid in developing professionalism through educational opportunities which are designed to improve the technical skills in the management of public employees, and in the maintenance and operation of public works facilities and services; and to foster understanding and cooperation between public employees and officers or employees of public utilities, and employees of firms, partnerships, and corporations which have interests in the field of public works. Section 2: The chapter is not organized for profit, and no part of the earnings shall inure to the benefit of any member or officer except as compensation for necessary expenses actually incurred and authorized. Section 3: In pursuance of the chapter purposes, all activities shall be consistent with high standards of ethics and shall not include any items of a political character. .
    Section 1: Regular Member: An officer or employee serving in a leadership role for a governmental agency, engaged in the maintenance and operation of public works facilities. Section 2: Associate Member: An officer or employee serving in a leadership role or public relations capacity for a public utility company. Section 3: Vendor Member: A firm, partnership, or corporation which is engaged in the manufacture or sale of materials, equipment, services, or supplies utilized by governmental agencies in connection with public works facilities, and is represented by an officer or employee serving in a supervisory capacity, or serving as a sales representative. Section 4: Honorary Member: An individual who has performed an outstanding public service, or an outstanding contribution that furthers the purposes of the chapter, and who is so designated to receive this honor by the Executive Committee. Section 5: Life Member: An individual who has been a Regular, Associate, or Vendor Member for a period of at least five years, but who is no longer actively engaged in such service, and who is designated to receive this membership by the Executive Committee. Section 6: Privileges: A) Each Regular Members, Associate Member, Vendor Member, and Life Member shall have all the rights and privileges in the Chapter with the exception that only one Vendor Member may hold the office of President, Vice-President, Secretary, or Treasurer-Bookkeeper at any time. B) The privilege of voting shall be limited to Regular, Associate, and Life Members, except that one Vendor Director shall have the right to vote on the Executive Committee. C) Honorary and Life Members shall be exempt from payment of annual dues. D) Honorary and Life Members may be granted a price reduction when they or their spouse or significant other participate in a monthly meeting or other events designated by the Executive committee. Section 7: A member who has become separated from public works maintenance activity, or has retired, or is not actively engaged in public works activity for a reason satisfactory to the Executive Committee, may by resolution of the Executive Committee be retained in his or her status provided he or she continues his or her membership in good standing. Section 8: The Executive Committee upon the written request of three Regular or Associate members or upon its own initiative, may by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Committee present, expel any member for cause. The cause consisting of action or behavior detrimental to the chapter, its purposes, or to the reputation or standing of its membership. Such action shall be taken only after a hearing at which the member shall be given the opportunity to appear in his or her own defense, or to reply in writing to the charges.
    SECTION 1. PRESIDENT: The President shall act as Chairman of the Executive Committee and shall preside at all Executive Committee meetings, Regular meetings, and the Annual Installatioin meeting. He shall appoint such standing committees, as reuired by the Bylaws, and special committees, as he shall consider necessary or as instructed by the Executive Committee. He shall be an ex officio member of all committees. He shall sign on behalf of the Chapter and Association all deeds, contracts and other formal instruments and shall perform such other duties as may by assigned to him from time to time by the President or the Executive Committee. SECTION 2. VICE PRESIDENT: The Vice President shall have and shall exercise all of the powers and duties of the President in the event of his absence or inability to act. He shall perform such other duties as may be assign to him from time to time by the President or the Exexutive Committee. SECTION 3. SECRETARY: The Secretary shall perform the Chapter correspondence and shall give notice and keep minutes of all meetings. He shall have custody of all records, excepting financial records, and shall attest all instruments. He shall maintain a current record as to the names, addressesm and classification of memberships of all Chapter members. He shall also maintain a record of the terms of office of all Executive Committee Members and officer therof. SECTION 4. TREASURER: The Treasurer shall exercise authority in all financial matters in accordance with such policies, resolutions, and rules as may be adopted by the Executive Committees; and he shall furnish monthly financial statements to the Executive Committees. He shall have custody of all funds of the Chapter and is responsible for the safekeeping thereof. He shall keep a complete recor of all receipts and expenditures, which shall be audited annually by the Executive Board, the report of which shall be submitted to the Executive Committee. He may, without prior approval of the Executive Committee, incur a maximum expenditure of twenty-five dollars ($25) per month for ordinary Chapter expenses; but in no event shall such indebtedness exceed one hundred eighty dollars ($180) per year.
    Section 1. STANDING COMMITTEES: There shall be Standing Committees of not less than three (3) members, each appointed by the President and approved by the Executive Committee, as follows: (1) Program; (2) Publicity; and (3) Bylaws. Section 2. NOMINATING COMMITTEE: The President shall appoint a Nominating Committee of a minimum of three (3) members in good standing, with the majority of the members being Past-Presidents, for the purpose of nominating officers for the ensuing year. The committee shall be appointed at or before the regular April meeting. Any member in good standing may propose additional nominees to the Nominating Committee.
    SECTION 1. CLASSIFICATION: Membership in Association shall be limited to members in good standing of the Chapters of the Association. Membership in each Chapter shall be limited to individuals who have demonstrated an interest in the purpose of the Association and who qualify in one or more of the following categories: (a) REGULAR MEMBER: A Regular Member shall be an officer or employee serving in a supervisory capacity for a governmental agency, engaged in the maintenance and operation of public works facilities. (b) ASSOCIATE MEMBER: An Associate Member shall be an officer or employee serving in a supervisory capacity or public relations capacity for a public utility company. (c) VENDOR MEMBER: A Vendor Member shall be a firm, partnership, or corporation, which is engaged in the manufacture or sale of materials, equipment, or supplies utilized by Regular and Associate members. (d) HONORARY MEMBER: An Honorary Member shall be an individual who has performed an outstanding public service or who has been bestowed an outstanding contribution which furthers the purposes of the Association and who is so designated to receive this honor by either the Board of directors or the Executive Committee of any Chapter. (e) LIFE MEMBER: A Life Member is an individual who has been a Regular, Associate, or Vendor Member for a period of at least five years, but who is no longer actively engaged in such service and who was so designated to receive this membership by the Executive Committee of any Chapter. SECTION 2. PRIVILEGES: Each Regular Member and/or Associate Member shall be entitled to one vote in the affairs of the Association. Vendor Members, Life Members, and Honorary Members shall have all the rights and privileges of membership in the Association except the right to vote or hold office. Any variance of this section must have prior approval of the State Board of Directors. SECTION 3. APPLICATION: Application for membership inthe Chapter shall be made in writing to the Secretary. Any member in good standing may sponsor a new member. The applicant must be accepted by a majority of the Executive Committee as a prerequisite to membership. SECTION 4. Any member may be expelled for cause from membership by a vote of five (5) members of the Executive Committee. In addition, any officer who is absent from three (3) consecutive meetings without Executive Board approval may be released from his term of office by a majority vote of the Executive Committee. SECTION 5. Any member may retire from membership by giving written notice to that effect to the Secretary. SECTION 6. All members enrolled during 1986 shall be Charter Members.
    SECTION 1: Annual dues for Regular Members shall be as follows: (1) $50 each agency with one (1) member. (2) $350.00 for 7 Agency Members and 25 for each additional member. (3)$25 Per student of the MSA Public Works Specialist Program Annual dues for Associate Members shall be as follows: (1) $50 each agency with one (1) member. and $75 each additional member. Vendor membership dues shall be as follows: (1) $50 each company with one (1) member and $45 each additional member. Life Members and Honorary Members shall be exempt from payment of dues. SECTION 2: The calendar year covers the period between January 1 and December 31. SECTION 3: The payment of Chapter dues shall be on a calendar year basis and shall entitle members to all privileges and benefits which may occur from membership in the Chapter. SECTION 4: Any member whose dues are in arrears for six (6) months shall be suspended from membership in the Chapter. Any member who has been suspended for nonpayment of dues may be reinstated, by the Executive Committee, upon payment of current dues and any delinquencies.
    SECTION 1: Officers of the Chapter shall be elected from Regular Members in good standing. SECTION 2: The President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer shall be installed at the Annual Installation meeting in November or December and shall serve for two calendar years. SECTION 3: There will be four (4) Directors serving a two (2) year term, with two (2) Directors being voted upon each year, thus providing that two (2) Directors shall be replaced each year and installed at the Annual Installation meeting. SECTION 4: No elective officer, excepting the Secretary and the Treasurer, shall be permitted to succeed himself in office, but any officer may be eligible for any other office. An appointed officer may succeed himself. SECTION 5: Vacancies may be filled by appointment of the Executive Committee, except that the Vice-President shall succeed the President. Appointees shall hold office for the remaining portion of the office he succeeds. SECTION 6: At the regular November or December meeting, the membership shall vote upon a slate of candidates, including those nominated by the Nominating committee and any Regular Member whose name is placed in nomination from the floor by the general membership.
    SECTION 1: Regular Executive committee meetings shall be held at such time and place to be determined by President, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee, but not less than once each quarter. SECTION 2: Special meetings of the Executive Committee shall be held at the call of the President or upon request in writing of any three (3) members of the Executive Committee. Such special meeting shall be held within thirty (30) days of the receipt of the request. Notice of such Executive committee meetings shall be mailed to each Committee Member at least five (5) days prior to the date set for such meetings, unless all members of the Executive Committee are present and waive such notice. SECTION 3: All questions, excepting expulsion of members, shall be decided by a majority vote. Five (5) members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at an Executive Committee meeting.
    SECTION 1: A regular meeting of the general membership of the Chapter shall be held at such time and place as is determined by the Executive Committee but in no event less frequent than once each quarter. Any meeting may be canceled by the Executive Committee for sufficient cause. SECTION 2: Notice of all Regular meetings shall be sent to members not less than ten (10) days prior to scheduled meeting date. SECTION 3: Fifteen (15) Regular Members preent at a Regular meeting shall constitute a quorum. SECTION 4: The Annual Installation meeting shall be held in June of each year on the day and at the hour determined by the Executive Committee. SECTION 5: In all cases not provided for in the Bylaws, Robert's Rules of Order shall prevail.
    SECTION 1: Members of the State Board of Directors shall be appointed by the Chapter President and shall be approved by and shall serve at the pleasure of the Chapter Executive Committee. Members of the State Board of Directors may attend Chapter Executive meetings and shall keep themselves informed of Chapter activities.
    SECTION 1: Amendments to the Bylaws may be made by a two-third (2/3) vote of the Regular and/or Associate Members present at the next Regular meeting following a Regular meeting at which amendments shall have been sent to all active members at least two (2) weeks prior to the Regular meeting at which the proposed amendments are to be voted upon.
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